black and white bed linen

Intolerancat Ushqimore

Mësoni simptomat dhe manifestimet klinike të intolerancave ushqimore për të kuptuar më mirë shëndetin tuaj.

Simptomat Intolerancave

Manifestimet klinike të intolerancës ushqimore janë të pa qarta dhe të papara dhe varirojnë (ndryshojnë) prej personit në person.


  • GASTROINTESTINALE : gërçe ne bark, fryerje, mundim për vjellje, gazra, barkqitje, kapsllëk si dhe sindroma e zorrës iritabile.

  • DERMATOLOGJIKE : kruarje e lëkurës, lëkura e thatë, urtikarje, angjioedemë, dermatit, egzema, akne, psorijaza.

  • Trashje - mbipeshë, obezitet

  • RESPIRATORE : ajtje e mukozës së hundës, rinit, sinusit, ngacmimi i fytit, astma, kolli i thatë.

  • NEUROLOGJIKE : kokëdhimbje, migrenë, marramendje, trullim.

  • PSIKOLOGJIKE : humbje e motivimit, letargji, depresion, lodhje, hiperaktivitet.

Nëse e keni cilëndo prej simptomave të lartpërmendura, të cilat ndryshojnë prej personit në person, atëherë rekomandohet të bëhet TESTI I INTOLERANCËS USHQIMORE.

Bëj testin e intolerancës ushqimore dhe elimino shumë probleme shëndetësore. Duke filluar nga mbipesha, Obeziteti, fryerje barku etj.

A bowl of vibrant tomato soup garnished with a basil leaf is placed on a gray surface. Surrounding the bowl are slices of fresh bread, both plain and buttered, along with a small dish of chopped red peppers. A few slices of salami are arranged artfully next to the buttered bread, and a spoon lies beside the red peppers. A package of low-carb bread is visible, emphasizing a focus on healthy eating.
A bowl of vibrant tomato soup garnished with a basil leaf is placed on a gray surface. Surrounding the bowl are slices of fresh bread, both plain and buttered, along with a small dish of chopped red peppers. A few slices of salami are arranged artfully next to the buttered bread, and a spoon lies beside the red peppers. A package of low-carb bread is visible, emphasizing a focus on healthy eating.
A person lies on a patterned bed, gently holding their abdomen. They are wearing a white top and the sheets have a blue and white floral design.
A person lies on a patterned bed, gently holding their abdomen. They are wearing a white top and the sheets have a blue and white floral design.
A white bowl contains a colorful and healthy meal featuring bright yellow pineapple chunks, vibrant green broccolini and green beans, grilled pieces of tofu glazed with a red sauce, white rice, and a dollop of creamy pinkish-orange sauce. A metal spoon is resting on the edge of the bowl.
A white bowl contains a colorful and healthy meal featuring bright yellow pineapple chunks, vibrant green broccolini and green beans, grilled pieces of tofu glazed with a red sauce, white rice, and a dollop of creamy pinkish-orange sauce. A metal spoon is resting on the edge of the bowl.
A white bowl is filled with a colorful array of ingredients including cubes of white tofu, finely chopped greens, and what appears to be fried shallots or onions.
A white bowl is filled with a colorful array of ingredients including cubes of white tofu, finely chopped greens, and what appears to be fried shallots or onions.